I haven't thrown on the wheel in a while, but I've been doing pottery since I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I learned over the summer one year and have loved doing it ever since.


One thing I love to do is try new foods. Whenever I'm with my friends, I love to try out new restaurants in the area.


When the pandemic hit in 2020, I started to love walking. My mom and I would go out every morning before class, and sometimes later in the afternoon after class, for a walk. Since then, I've loved going on walks whether it's by myself, with my family, or with a couple of friends.


My mom grew up with a lot of siblings, which inevitably meant a large extended family for me and my brother. I love being around my cousins whenever I get the chance to see them, but I especially love spending time with my 2 cousins that live in Los Angeles. Whether we're talking, playing, watching tv, or running around the city, we love getting to spend time with each other whenever we get a chance.


If you know me well enough, you'll probably know how much I love Pinterest. I probably go on Pinterest a couple times a day, sometimes unconsciously. It's just become a habit whenever I'm bored to open up Pinterest and scroll through my feed. I love using it to get inspiration for projects, but I also love just leisurely scrolling through.